Minimising tax on inherited pensions
A married couple recently passed away within a few months of one another. Their daughter is the beneficiary of the pension savings of the mother and father. What tax will she have to pay on these?
Can a VAT refund be denied as "unjust"?
A business has been charging some customers standard-rate VAT for goods that ought to have been zero-rated and accounted for the excess on your VAT returns. Are they entitled to a refund?
How can using a company to buy a home be tax efficient?
A small company owner is moving home. They have been approved for a mortgage, but seem adamant that they can save money by using their cash-rich company to buy it instead. Is this the case, and is there an alternative if not?
Doubling the tax-free estate
15 years ago the inheritance tax nil rate band was made transferable. This doubled the tax-free amount for many estates. With a little planning some estates could do even better. How can this be achieved?
Avoiding a VAT deregistration headache
A sole trader deregistered from VAT two months ago because of an expectation of reduced turnover. But they are concerned that they must re-register immediately because sales have still exceeded £85,000. Are their concerns justified?
Can making good benefits be tax efficient?
A company has provided the owner manager with benefits in kind on which they’ve been taxed. It’s possible to reverse this by making good the benefit. But will this save the owner and the company tax in the long run?